In these unprecedented and highly unpredictable times, it is critical for Christians to be prepared, to be encouragers, to be salt and light, to live in right relationship with our Father and one another, to manifest the Kingdom realities of truth, hope, and life, and to forgive and be forgiven.

We look to enthuse and equip churches and individual Christians to promote and practise reconciliation,
to carry the message of reconciliation to others, and to raise the issue and practice of reconciliation to
the top of personal and corporate agendas.

If you would like Resolve to bring teaching and training on this or any of the other aspects of our work,
please be in touch.

The UK and the wider world at the present time need, more than ever, people who are equipped to lead them
into reconciliation and unity. Jesus has called and equipped His Body for this purpose, and we must respond to His command.