Unresolved conflict brings disunity, which weakens the work and witness of the Church.
Forgiveness and reconciliation are at the heart of the Gospel, and if we fail to practise these, we are not being true to the faith.
Resolve seeks to promote the unity through which God will command blessing (Psalm 133:1-3).
It does this through teaching and through assisting in the process of reconciliation.
In most cases, conflict arises from misunderstandings that have not been dealt with properly, and over time have grown and
matured into fixed positions for the parties concerned.
If people are unable or unwilling to face the consequences of this on their own, they need others to help bring reconciliation.
Reconciliation and conflict resolution go hand in hand. Sometimes this can be done informally. On other occasions, a structured process of
reconciliation or mediation may be needed.
True reconciliation involves restoration of relationships – addressing the underlying causes of brokenness, not simply their symptoms –
and this is what Resolve works for.